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2 Routes: Become a Medical Laboratory ScientistEveryone's pathway to become a medical laboratory scientist is different. Common routes for OSU students include:

  • OSU B.S. in Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: MLS (3+1) Program

    OSU bachelor's degree, specifically in Medical Laboratory Sciences degree option. 



      • Complete 3 years of study at OSU towards a B.S. in Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Medical Laboratory Sciences.
      • Apply to complete a 1 year hospital internship at a clinical facility approved by the National Accreditation Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).
      • After completion of your 1 year internship, graduate with your bachelor's degree from OSU. 
      • Following your MLS program you will be eligible to sit for board exams, licensure and begin practicing as a MLS. 


  • OSU Bachelor degree + 1 year MLS Internship (4+1) Program

    OSU Bachelor's degree then complete MLS internship. 



    • Earn a 4 year bachelor's degree (B.S. highly recommended) from OSU and complete all of your prerequisite courses required for the medical laboratory sciences program hospital internship. 
    • After graduation, apply to complete a 1 year hospital internship at a clinical facility approved by the National Accreditation Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).
    • Following your MLS program you will be eligible to sit for board exams, licensure and begin practicing as a MLS.