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You've Been Accepted! Now What?

Provisional Acceptance

Students successfully admitted into the 3+1 Med Bound Program receive "Provisional Acceptance" to OSU-COM's medical school. Continue to complete all program requirements while at OSU. 

  • Understanding Provisional Acceptance
    • As long as you maintain your eligibility and successfully complete all OSU-COM 3+1 Med Bound Program requirements in the time specified, you have a guaranteed seat for medical school at OSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine.
    • To maintain your "Provisional Acceptance" status at the end of your 3rd year, please carefully follow all continued eligibility requirements.

Ongoing Requirements

To remain in OSU's 3+1 Med Bound Program, you must successfully meet all ongoing academic and non-academic requirements.

  • Academic Requirements
    • Be a full-time undergraduate student at OSU-Stillwater.
    • Maintain 3.5 overall and overall science GPA each semester.
    • Complete all undergraduate coursework and required OSU-COM medical school prerequisites in an approved 3+1 Med Bound degree plan by end/spring of junior year. 
    • Share with your OSU major advisor your provisional acceptance letter.
    • Meet with OSU academic advisor each semester to maintain a pace to meet all coursework requirements, medical school required prerequisites to sequence for medical school and prep for MCAT in your junior year.
    • 492+ MCAT score received by July 1* of junior year.

    *Take MCAT by late May (30-35 days for MCAT results to arrive).

  • Non-Academic Requirements
    • Complete 500 hours of participation in a health-related setting before medical school entry.
    • Participate in 3+1 Med Bound program activities prior to medical school entry.
    • In good conduct standing with University.
    • Complete all additional program requirements in coordination with OSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine.