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Student Success

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UNIV 1111Success from the start

Learn about college academic life, what resources are available to you, how you can get involved in university activities, and so much more! This course prepares you for the next four years at OSU. We are here to help you—your partners in success.

Course description
Aids students in becoming aware of campus resources, academic programs, and cocurricular offerings; exploring various majors and careers; understanding university academic rules and regulations; and enhancing study skills and attitudes that can contribute to academic success. 
Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Identify and utilize OSU programs, resources, and services that will support their academic studies and cocurricular involvement.

  2. Know and apply time management techniques and effective learning strategies.

  3. Navigate career development resources by engaging in career/major exploration and exploring career pathways related to a chosen major.

  4. Know and apply university academic rules and regulations.

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