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Courses with Tutoring

from bynder


  • ACCT 2003 - Survey of Accounting
  • ACCT 3004 - Foundational Accounting and Data Skills
  • ACCT 3104 - Intermediate Accounting I and Data Analysis
  • ACCT 3113 - Intermediate Accounting II
  • ACCT 3603 - Accounting Information Systems and Data Analytic Tools
  • ANSI 1023 - Intro to Animal Sciences
  • ANSI 3414 - Form and Function of Livestock and Poultry
  • ANSI 3423 - Animal Genetics
  • ANSI 3444 - Animal Reproduction
  • ANSI 3543 - Principles of Animal Nutrition
  • ASL 1713 - American Sign Language I
  • ASL 1813 - American Sign Language II
  • ASL 2713 - Classifiers
  • ASL 2813 - Intermediate Grammar


  • BIOC 3713 - BioChemistry I 
  • BIOC 3813 - BIoChemistry II
  • BIOL 1113 - Introductory Biology
  • BIOL 1604 - Animal Biology
  • BIOL 3023 - General Genetics
  • BIOL 3214 - Human Anatomy


  • CDIS 2223 - Speech and Language Development
  • CDIS 3203 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
  • CDIS 3313 - Phonetics
  • CHEM 1314 - Chemistry I
  • CHEM 1414 - General Chemistry for Engineers
  • CHEM 1515 - Chemistry II
  • CHEM 3013 - Survey of Organic Chemistry
  • CHEM 3053 - Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 3153 - Organic Chemistry II
  • CHIN 1713 - Elementary Chinese I
  • CHIN 1813 - Elementary Chinese II
  • CHIN 2713 - Intermediate Chinese I
  • CHIN 2813 - Intermediate Chinese II
  • CS 1113 - Computer Science I
  • CS 2433 - C/C++ Programming


  • ECEN 2714 - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
  • ECEN 3213 - Computer Based Systems in Engineering
  • ECEN 3714 - Network Analysis
  • ECON 2003 - Microeconomic Principles for Business
  • ECON 2203 - Intro to Macroeconomics
  • ECON 3113 - Intermediate Microeconomics
  • ENGL 1113 - Composition I
  • ENGL 1213 - Composition II
  • ENGR 1332 - Engineering Design with CAD for MAE
  • ENGR 2421 - ENGR Data Acquisition Controls
  • ENSC 2113 - Statics
  • ENSC 2143 - Strength of Materials


  • FDSC 1133 - Fundamentals of Food Science
  • FIN 3113 - Finance
  • FREN 1713 - Elementary French I
  • FREN 1813 - Elementary French II
  • FREN 2713 - Intermediate Reading and Conversation I (I)
  • FREN 2723 - Intermediate Grammar and Composition I
  • FREN 2813 - Intermediate Reading and Conversation II


  • GEOG 1113 - Intro to Cultural Geography
  • GEOG 1114 - Physical Geography
  • GRMN 1713 - Elementary German I
  • GRMN 1813 - Elementary German II
  • GRMN 2713 - Reading and Conversation I
  • GRMN 2723 - Intermediate Grammar and Composition I
  • GWST 2113 - Introduction to Gender Studies


  • HDFS 2113 - Lifespan Human Development
  • HIST 1493 - American History since 1865 


  • MATH 1483 - Mathematical Functions and Their Uses
  • MATH 1513 - College Algebra
  • MATH 1813 - Preparation for Calculus
  • MATH 2144 - Calculus I
  • MATH 2153 - Calculus II
  • MATH 2163 - Calculus III
  • MATH 2233 - Differential Equations
  • MATH 3013 - Linear Algebra
  • MC 1143 - Media in a Diverse Society
  • MGMT 3013 - Fundamentals of Management
  • MICR 2123 - Intro to Microbiology
  • MICR 3033 - Cell and Molecular Biology
  • MICR 3253 - Immunology
  • MICR 4053 - Pathogenic Microbiology
  • MICR 4233 - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
  • MKTG 3213 - Marketing
  • MSIS 2103 - Business Data Science Technologies
  • MSIS 2203 - Computer Programming for Business
  • MSIS 2233 (BADM 2233) - Business Analytics Fundamentals
  • MSIS 3333 - Database Systems Development
  • MUSI 1532 - Theory of Music I
  • MUSI 1542 - Theory of Music II
  • MUSI 3753 - History of Music to 1600
  • MUSI 3763 - History of Music 1600-1800
  • Math Placement Exam Prep


  • NSCI 2013 (NSCI 2114) - Principles of Human Nutrition


  • PHIL 1213 - Philosophies of Life
  • PHIL 1313 - Logic and Critical Thinking
  • PHIL 3833 - Biomedical Ethics
  • PHYS 1114 - College Physics I
  • PHYS 1214 - College Physics II
  • PHYS 2014 - University Physics I
  • PHYS 2114 - University Physics II
  • PLNT 1213 - Introduction to Plant and Soil Systems
  • POLS 1113 - American Government
  • PSYC 1113 - Introductory Psychology
  • PSYC 3513 - Psychology of Learning


  • REL 1103 - Introduction to World Religions


  • SMED 1012 - Inquiry Approaches to Teaching
  • SOC 1113 - Introductory Sociology
  • SOC 2123 - Social Problems
  • SOC 3113 - Theoretical Thinking in Sociology
  • SOC 3133 - Racial and Ethnic Relations
  • SOC 3223 - Social Psychology
  • SOC 3523 - Juvenile Delinquency
  • SOIL 1113 - Land, Life and the Environment
  • SPAN 1713 - Elementary Spanish I
  • SPAN 1813 - Elementary Spanish II
  • SPCH 2713 - Intro to Speech Communications
  • STAT 2013 - Elementary Statistics
  • STAT 4013 - Statistical Methods I